Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

BOC in Aotearoa New Zealand believes in the strength of kanorau and diversity: of our team, our customers, and our suppliers – reflecting the diverse communities we serve. 

We strive to create an environment of manaakitanga,inclusion and belonging: treating everyone with dignity and respect, supporting new thoughts and ideas, encouraging growth and development, and celebrating our differences.

Equity for us is about mana ōrite: everyone having what they need as individuals in order to achieve equal success.


Ko te kanorau te puiaki kia paihere ai ngā hononga o te rōpū a BOC Aotearoa ki ō tātou hapori.

Ko te manaakitanga te maioha kia whakapuāwai ai ngā kākano, ngā moemoeā o te katoa hei tūturu.

Ko te mana ōrite te tikanga kia whakaōrite ai te angitu o te katoa.


Our GenderPledge

BOC NZ is a member of the “Gender at Work” community and have officially taken the GenderPledge.

By taking the GenderPledge “we agree to progress towards all gender identities having a safe working environment, equal opportunities and a workplace where they can belong and feel included.  We are committed to supporting gender initiatives and advocating for gender equality”.


BOC NZ Pay Gap

BOC NZ is committed to regular review of our pay gaps.      

Our gender total pay gap as at 1 April 2024 was 0.16%. 

We also regularly review like-for-like job pay gaps, and consider whether any differences are explainable and justifiable.  Where unjustified gaps exist, we take steps to try to address it.

Our average like-for-like job pay gap as at 1 April 2024 was -3.9% which is a result in favour of women.

We recognise that averages can hide outliers.  We will continue to monitor gender salary differentials and consider gender and equity with every salary decision.

We are committed to improving the representation of women at all levels of the organisation and paying them equitably